What To Expect in Burlington ON?

Chiropractic Burlington ON What To Expect

Welcome to Appleview Chiropractic Center! Our Burlington ON chiropractic team aims to use this article to guide you in what to expect when you visit them.

FIRST CONSULTATION (60 minutes) in Burlington ON

For your first consultation, you will be asked to fill out a New Patient form about your health. The Doctor will then discuss your health history to better understand your health concerns and how we can help you. You will then be taken through a thorough New Patient examination. This includes measuring your balance, completing muscle and nerve testing, and performing a computerized scan on your spine. We use the latest technology to scan your spinal function and compare it to normal.

Depending on your results, you will be asked to complete a series of X-Rays, so that we are able to determine the exact areas that are affecting you. Our aim is to identify if you have postural abnormalities, subluxations, swelling or nervous system stress. If your case is simple we may adjust you on the first visit. For more complex cases we will wait until your X-Rays are completed, so we can provide safe and effective care based on more information.

REPORT OF FINDINGS (20-30 minutes)

This will be your following appointment once your X-Rays are completed. At your Report of Findings appointment, the Doctor will review your X-Rays findings with you. The condition of your spine and care recommendations will be discussed. Please remember; optimal health and spinal stabilization isn't always based on how you feel. You may have minimal negative symptoms, but you may be living with subluxations or years of poor posture.

We will provide care recommendations based on what is specific to you and best for your long term health and wellness.


The relief/correction phase allows your spine and nervous system to open up. The goal is to work on freeing subluxations to restore joint and muscle function, flexibility and to restore range of motion. This phase can vary in intensity and length, depending on how you respond to treatment, your recommended care plan and health history relating to your spine.

Most of our patients begin to see steady changes in this phase. It is essential you do not miss appointments, as consistency will lead to better results and improved function.


This phase is a very important step in reaching spinal health. Your muscles and soft tissues are still healing from the Relief/Correction phase, if you end your care before stabilization a relapse is probable.

This is when you really form new long-term habits in your spine. Your pain may be gone, but it takes time to correct conditions that have developed over many years. You may notice your posture improving and report improved balance.


This is where we want to get you to! This phase reduces/prevents muscular stress and flare ups, and maintains structural integrity. Our job at Appleview Chiropractic Clinic is to keep you subluxation-free, and at your peak spinal health for life! Regular check-ups will help you stay healthy and out of pain.

8:30am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm

2:30pm - 5:30pm

8:30am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm

2:30pm - 5:30pm

8:30am - 12:00pm

Community Service


Appleview Chiropractic

686 Appleby Line Unit C3
Burlington, ON L7L 5Y3

(905) 639-0073